Meet Winston
Welcome to the family, Winston! We’re so glad you’re ours!
Welcome to the family, Winston! We’re so glad you’re ours!
When we first looked at our home, we could easily tell that the former owner was crazy about roses. They were all over the backyard and there was even a fenced in area that looked to be mostly roses. I love flower and roses, so I loved the idea of all the roses. When Spring…
Over the summer I struggled with feeling like I didn’t have a purpose. I felt…useless and certainly didn’t feel at peace. Surely I should be doing more with my time. How was it that I found purpose and peace? It took a while to get there, but God was leading the way the whole time….
Back at the end of May, Little Brother turned 3 years old! I cannot believe how fast the last few years have flown by. It was 3 years ago exactly that I first introduced him here on the blog. His birth and pregnancy was quite an ordeal, but it was soooo worth it! He’s grown into…
Mud. It’s a useful thing, right? People have even used it to help build things all around the world. It can be an amazing thing. It can also be a catalyst to a few simple moments of just plain fun. Grandpa even got in on the fun… Boys. 🙂 I’m soooo glad I listened to…
We were recently challenged at church to share our faith in some small way. Posting a verse on social media was one idea. I did that, but why stop there? Though I don’t have a huge audience, I’d like to share with those who are following here. What makes me love God? Why do I…
Hi there! If you’ve following Taking Time in the City, you may have noticed some changes around here (if you’re new, welcome!). With a lot of hard word, some late nights, and maybe a little pounding my head on the desk, I have been transforming this little blog over the last few weeks. I’d like…