Free Love Printable

Free Love Printable

Some time back I was reading part of 1 Corinthians 13 (verses 4-7) and was inspire anew. I’m sure most of you have read it. It’s the love chapter after all. It really hit me, though, that we could (and should) use this chapter as guide for how to show people love…how we can live…

Meet Winston

Meet Winston

Meet Winston. He’s an Australian Labradoodle who joined our family a little over 2 weeks ago. We just love him! He can be sweet and ornery…just like our boys! Speaking of our boys…they’re both just thrilled to have a little “brother”. Early on, he became my little shadow, and he took to laying or sitting…

The Big THREE!

The Big THREE!

Back at the end of May, Little Brother turned 3 years old! I cannot believe how fast the last few years have flown by. It was 3 years ago exactly that I first introduced him here on the blog. His birth and pregnancy was quite an ordeal, but it was soooo worth it! He’s grown into…

A Secret Garden

A Secret Garden

When we first looked at our home, we could easily tell that the former owner was crazy about roses. They were all over the backyard and there was even a fenced in area that looked to be mostly roses. I love flower and roses, so I loved the idea of all the roses. When Spring…