Every year our family likes to reflect on what we are thankful for. I think it’s a good way to get the boys to think about all we have and how much we are blessed. We usually do a Thanksgiving Paper Chain and have even done a Thankful Jar but this year, I wanted to do something different…something bigger. A big Thankful Tree was perfect.
I found this tree, decided I could make something similar, and set to work. Using that tree as an example, I used 30 inch wide craft paper to draw a tree with pencil. Then, I painted over the pencil drawing and filled in the bark with the paintbrush. It took me a few hours, but it really wasn’t too difficult!
I hung the tree using push pins.
I like how it looks in this corner of the living room next to the desk.
Then we wrote a bunch of things we are thankful for on leaves I cut from card stock. You can find the template for the leaves here.
The boys came up with some unique things to write down!
I think “aliens” was my favorite, but to be fair, I think he meant “Minions”. I just couldn’t resist writing “aliens” for him anyway.
I put all the leaves on to the tree with masking tape. I’m hoping it won’t tear the paper, so we can use the tree again next year.
UPDATE: I was able to remove the leaves with minimal tearing, so we’ll be able to use it again!
We’ll continue adding to the tree as we get closer and closer to Thanksgiving, and I’m hoping to have any guests we have over add to the tree as well.
I think we’ll have a full tree by Thanksgiving Day. We have so many blessings!
Very, very wonderful!! I am thankful for . . . YOU 🙂
I just saw this! I guess I need to check my comments more often. 🙂